
Brittany Jarabek has over twenty years experience working with at-risk youth and going on fifteen years experience in non-profit management. Serving as an Executive Director for a non-profit in San Francisco for four years, Brittany understands the dynamics of non-profit infrastructure and strives to assist organizations in fine tuning to make their grant proposals and fundraising efforts achieve more.

Since 2010, Brittany has worked as a fundraising and grant consultant to several non-profits. She has a vast array of experience working with youth in the Foster Care, Child Welfare, and Juvenile Justice Systems. Brittany employs her creative background to find solutions that are outside the box and successful. During her time in San Francisco, she has worked closely with organizations such as Old Skool Cafe, The Art of Yoga Project, Lemonade, The Beat Within, Each One Reach One, Sonrisas Dental Health, Homework Central, the San Francisco Juvenile Justice Center Garden Project, The HEAL Project, Sustainable San Mateo County, Diabetic Partners, Building for a Better Tomorrow, the East Bay Children's Law Offices, Mobility Service Dogs West Coast Project, and the Independent Living Skills Program. Additionally, Brittany has taught outdoor preschool programming through Tinkergarten, Playdates in the Park, Music and Mud, and Nature Scouts using the great outdoors and nature to inspire the next generation to be good stewards and love Mother Earth. Brittany has an extensive history and journey in meditation and yoga, practicing both since early childhood.

Brittany holds a BA in Art History from Westmont College and an MA in Art History from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec. She currently lives in the Sunset with her husband, two daughters, and their puppy pals Sawyer Blue and Maya Coco.

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Copyright (C) 2020 Brittany Jarabek | Brittany Jarabek Consulting | 530.263.1133 | brittany [at] brittanyjarabek[dot]com